Thursday, August 29, 2013

i created the Poster, on the 21st of August, designing what the group wants, and attracting the Audiences attention.
I creeated the flyer and the posters as well 21/08/13 -Mehmet
i desinged and drew up the story board for the Treachorous moments. which involved me reading the script and coming up with Camaera shots and angles, for the right camera shot. and the positoning of the characters.
1st of August

Today instead of filming I acted, playing the part of my character Audrei. We had a hell of a lotta fun and learnt how to strut

22nd of July

Today we got given the assignment itself. We assigned the roles to people, I'm the camera person and editor and actor.

24th of July

We read through the script today and refined it. We also had to add a scene in. Also, we made the lists of stuff and made up permission slips for actors

26th of July

Storyboard got done today and we continued with props and stuff

8th of August

Got adobe after affects on my laptop for the editing today

Today i have helped direct the scene whilst the main director was acting. -Mehmet
During the editing, i wrote up the credits of all the people involved in the film and there roles, i also helped put scene 4 together with Holly and Mehmet.
during the filming  I acted, directed and wrote the script, i also did the story board with Mehemts help. during the acting this involved me think of stuff that would make me sad and show the emotion correctly. I also helped edit the film with Holly and Mehmet, and put it together. we showed the film to the class, and we still need to fix up a few things in the film.

29th of August

So today I re finalised the video because when we tried to do it on the laptop it decide to only show half a screen. Also i had to edit out a bit of swearing that was left in

30th of August

Today we are handing everything in. I am checking over to make sure I have all my posts and just watching the video to double check it


I filmed scene 5 and it was a great day and evryone was acting perfectly. -Mehmet
Today, our group filmed scene 2 for our short film "The Treachourous Moments" where the bully Vanessa is confronted by the victim Shira. It was the only scene we could do because the other actors were not avaliable. It was difficult because the first camera we used shut down, we had to start the scene again with another camera. The beginning was tough because the area we wanted to film had music playing from the music room but we decided to stay for the scene was at recess/school. It was hard to stay in character but we succeeded in the end when we finished the scene which took forever to film.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

20th of august

finalised every thing today. took half an hour. also recorded a laugh and made it demonic sounding using audacity to duplicate the track multiple times then changing the pitch in each one. quite pleased with the result.

21st of august

had ro refinalise because part of a scene got left out. its D day today so we has to present.

over an out

I have written the intention, target audience, and i have helped edit the film.the film goes for around about 5 minutes.
I helped witht he editing after school, and recorded my own voice for the evil laugh.- Mehmet

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday, August 6 2013

Our group filmed scene 3 where Shira invites her friends to a party, we filmed scene 5 where Shovon tells the victim about the real identity of the clown and we filmed scene 7 where it becomes six months later. It was hard to film in the beginning but we succeeded to finally get it done.
- J
Monday 12th August 2013

Today we went through the selection and omission process of all the footage we filmed, getting rid of all the unneded clips and separating the bloopers

Wednsday 14th August 2013

Today I am helping Bree to refine out the videos further and start putting it all together


Tuesday, July 30 2013

Our group filmed scene 2, the scene where the victim Shira confronts the bully Vanessa and we got it completed even though there were distractions. The struggles we had filming were being distracted by people walking past the camera view and forgetting lines.
- J
I went throguh selection and emission through all the clips

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Scene 3, 5 and 7

Today I directed the film of the Unbearable truth, i got annoyed with some of the problems, like the girls not wanting to do their work or job, or even act, but i kept my cool, we finished the ffilming so On Friday we will be starting to edit the film and putting it together, i also acted my part in the film and played my role well.
I filmed scene 5 & 7 and it went perfectly well. -Mehmet

Haunted Scene

Today I Acted again in our short film, i also directed the film and the Actors on what they had to do. it was productive, and the scene got completed.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Today I did the filming for our group. We managed to complete scenes 1 & 6 but with difficulty. Tomorrow the group will be filming after school.

Today, I acted my part in the film, which was being introduced to the group of friends at start of High school which was Scene 1,  and we filmed Scene 6 where i had to run from My "bully, who was about to chase me. the difficulties i had was keeping my cool from trying to get everyone play their Role as i am the Director, in the end the work got done.
Today was somewhat difficult with the members of the group not doing what they were required to do. I directed the group that was even difficult to do.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Wednsday 31st

Today was somewhat productive, though we encountered a couple of difficulties. We managed to get the majoritty of the scene filmed though

Thursday 1st

We had a hell of alotta fun today, I enjoyed it. Can't decide if working with the background noise of an electric saw going off was annoying or interesting, as we had to time when we started filming in the breaks of the noise.

Friday 2nd

By the sounds of it it seemed like a productive day. I wasn't able to make it as I was rehersing for Oz. 


Thursday, August 1, 2013

pictures for scene 8

Today we took photo's of Shira, in the Libary, we didn't have any problems or difficulties as it is an easy task and we knew what we had to do and where and how to take the photos
We took pictures for the film, didn't have a lot of troubler inside the libraray as it was an easy task to accomplish.
We had a great time, well i did at least, um the background noise was a bit difficult to work with, but in the end we got the job done. And we also had a lot of bloopers towards the end.

Scene 8

Today after school, our group filmed scene 8 of the 'Unbearable truth' we had difficulty with filming because of the background noise, we had to film inbetween the breaks, we didn't have difficulty with being in Character, as evryone was aware of what they had to do and how they had to act, although we did have a bit of fun at the end making bloopers.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hoping to finish scene 8 tomorrow after school can't wait, out of school uniform YAY!!!!
I helped filming scene 2 it went well we got through a lot in such little time. -Mehmet

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

We had a difficult session from weather conditions.
Today our group filmed scene 2 of our movie and we got it completed, we still need to finsh filming scene one and the rest of our scenes out of 8 scenes, we have 6 and a half scenes left to film. the struggles we had filming today were being distracted by people walking by and talking and mucking around but other then that we were successfull with scene 2.